PS5 News And Rumors Ps5 News - PS 5 Release

Saturday, April 11, 2020

PS5 News And Rumors Ps5 News

PS5 News and Rumors

Playstation 5 NewsLooking for PS5 news? You’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s or any other hot rumor about the PS5, we’ll list it right here on our PS5 News page. Check this page frequently for the latest rumors about what is sure to be the next, next generation’s hottest device! Got a hot tip for us? Let us know in the comments!

Current News

Sony has been quiet for a long time on PS5 news, but all of that changed when a new WIRED article released, along with a new PlayStation Blog post. The next generation console from Sony is indeed called the PlayStation 5, and it’s coming holiday 2020 like we’ve predicted for three years. Find out what else they revealed in the full article!

Yet another patent has been made public, but this time we have information about Sony’s plans for PlayStation VR. It’s possible the next-generation headset will be a wireless design with new Move controllers, and that’s just the beginning. Find out more in our full article!

Bluepoint Games have made some stellar remasters and remakes in the past, including Shadow of the Colossus for PS4. Now, Sony and the studio have confirmed that they are working on something “big.” What could it be? Join us in our full article to discuss the possibilities!

Virtual assistants can do a lot of things, but what if they could help you with your games? A new patent filed by Sony suggests they could be working on “PlayStation Assist.” Find out what this assistant could potentially do for you in our full article!

Sony, along with twenty other gaming companies, has signed on to join the Playing for the Planet Alliance. As part of this agreement, Sony is joining the fight against climate change in several ways. One of which is an interesting new power saving feature on the PS5. Find out everything else the company is doing in the full article!

We know the PS5 is coming in holiday 2020, but another patent shows that Sony could be working on a second console. Specifically, it would be a “cloud gaming system” that could rival Google Stadia. Find out more in the full article!

We reported previously that PS5 development kits were being sent out to studios. Now, a new patent has revealed what could be the design for the system. Take a look in the full article!

PS5 News and Rumors

A person claiming to be a former senior marketing manager for Sony claims that Sony will hold a PlayStation Meeting in Februaery of 2020. Find out what else they revealed in the full article!

A new interview with SIE CEO Jim Ryan reveals that Sony is interested in acquiring new developers in the same way Microsoft is buying up studios. Not only that, but their focus on the PS5 is “hardcore gamers.” Find out more in the full article!

A well-known PC parts and benchmark leaker on Twitter has posted what they reveal to be the PS5’s benchmarks. Spoiler alert: they’re insane! It’s looking like the PS5 could have the same kind of horsepower as today’s top-shelf PC video cards or more! Find out more in our full post!

The E3 2019 reveal of Microsoft’s Project Scarlett was certainly impressive. It promised a lot of the same things as Sony’s reveal earlier in the year. If rumors are to be believed though, Sony is still shooting to beat Microsoft once again in the next generation. Find out more in our full post!

Todd Howard of Bethesda fame, and Toshiro Nagoshi, director of the Yakuza series, have both spoken out about the power of the next generation. They may not reveal everything, but it’s enough to get any gamer’s imagination running on overdrive!

In a bit of news that shocked everyone, Sony and Microsoft announced a partnership to work together in the cloud space. With Google’s Stadia looming on the horizon, the two giants will work together using Microsoft’s Azure cloud to deliver better online gaming and streaming. The craziest part? No one told the PlayStation team!

While this is one of those rumors we cannot confirm, a developer posted some interesting information on Pastebin. They offered a ton of specs information, release date, VR info, and some reveals of next generation titles you won’t want to miss. Could it be true? That’s up to you to decide!

A new leak from Kotaku’s own Jason Schreier says that Sony is looking to aim higher than the 10.7 teraflops promised in each of Google Stadia’s servers. This would put a lot of horsepower into the next generation consoles. Find out everything we know in our full post!

Google has finally entered the realm of gaming, and they are offering a streaming platform. Known as Stadia, it will have a small release in 2019 and a larger rollout in 2020. It’s promising to compete with both Sony and Microsoft, but can streaming keep up? Find out more in our full article!

PS5 News and Rumors

Sony Playstation’s very own Mark Cerny has confirmed the PS5 is coming and it’s features are already legendary. What do you think the CPU, GPU will be? Backwards compatible? Find out in the link above!

One of the most requested features on the PS5 has always been backwards compatibility. Microsoft has been winning here with support for Xbox 360 and original Xbox titles on their new systems. From the looks of it, Sony is ready to fire back on the PS5. A new patent that surfaced describes a method for running legacy titles on modern hardware. Coincidence? Read the full article and decide for yourself.

Some pretty convincing images of a potential PS5 prototype console surfaced on a Russian tech site. While It’s a shame they weren’t real, the design is pretty solid for a prototype console. Check out the full article and let us know if these would have fooled you!

A Reddit user by the name of RuthenicCookie accurately predicted Sony’s decision to leave E3 2019, along with the unsteady launch of Anthem from EA and Bioware. They went on to reveal potential leaks about the PS5. With information on specs, price, VR, and more, this is one article you won’t want to miss!

In an unprecedented move, Sony has announced they will not be attending E3 2019. This comes as a shock to some, but the tradeshow has been on the decline in recent years. We also have to remember that Sony’s E3 2018 showcase left a lot to be desired. Could they be saving their big reveal for a PS5 related event? Find out what we think, and which Sony E3 moments wowed us the most throughout history in the full article.

According to Windows Central editor Jez Corden, Sony may big working on a major update to the PSN in time for the PS5’s release. It seems their focus on cloud technology has not wavered as much as some would have you believe. With Microsoft going all-in and pursuing their Project xCloud, it’s possible we could see cloud gaming become a part of the PS5 experience. Check out the full article to find out more!

A smart gamer spotted a listing in Unreal Engine 4 pointing towards a console codenamed “Erebus.” It’s extremely likely that Unreal 4 will be used on the PS5, so could this codenamed console be the PS5 support built into the engine?

While some would have you believe otherwise, the evidence is pretty compelling. See the facts for yourself in our full article!

A job posting with Infinity Ward popped up looking for a narrative scripter on an upcoming next generation title. As we all know, Infinity Ward is the developer of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, among other titles in the franchise.

They are up next to release a title in 2019. Could this job reveal the fact that the next COD is going to be a PS5 game? Check out our article for all the juicy details!

PS5 News and Rumors

E3 2018 has plenty of interesting moments, but the announcement of both Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI at Bethesda’s press conference were both mind-blowing. What’s even more interesting, is that Todd Howard confirmed on stage that these are indeed next-generation titles.

Check out our full article to see all the details, including the teaser trailers for these eventual PS5 titles!

At the recent investor event, Sony Interactive Entertainment’s CEO, John Kodera, told investors that the PS4 is in the final stage of its lifecycle. Sony plans on taking the next three years to “crouch down” so they can jump higher when the next phase begins.

Find out all the juicy details in our full article!

A new rumor has sparked discussion as gaming journalist Marcus Sellars claims that PS5 dev kits are being sent out to third-party developers. If this is true, Sony could be in the final stages of designing the PS5. It could also signify a release day within the next 1-2 years.

Could the PS5 release as soon as 2019? Find out what we think in our full article!

While some rumors have been suggesting that the PS5 could be coming out as early as 2018, the CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, believes otherwise. On an investor call, he argued that the launch of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X means that there will be a minimum of two years before we see something new. He admits this is a prediction, but a publisher as large as Ubisoft would know if the PS5 was coming out soon, wouldn’t they?

Sony isn’t sharing many details, but we can confirm that the PS5 is going to happen! In an interview with a German magazine, PlayStation Boss Shawn Layden dropped a confirmation that leaves no room for interpretation. Meanwhile, other Sony executives and top analysts are throwing down predictions of their own. For all the latest news on the confirmation of PS5, check out our full article!

Two analysts have both weighed in on PS5 as of late, and they both have some interesting predictions for how Sony will move forward in the console race. With the PS4 Pro still fresh off the assembly line, Michael Pachter says Sony will wait to see how Scorpio does before they talk PS5.

He claims that PS5 won’t be here until 2019 or 2020, as Sony is waiting on the 4K market to find its roots in both the U.S. and internationally.

Meanwhile. analyst Damian Thong claims that Sony will see record-breaking profits in 2018…when they release a 10 teraflop PS5! Is any of this possible in our minds? Find out in the full article!

In an interview with a Japanese website, PlayStation’s architect, Mark Cerny claimed that to hit 4K resolutions at a native level, you’d need about 8 teraflops. Of course, that’s just his prediction. Join us in the full article as we look at all the reasons why Sony could be targeting 8 teraflops of GPU power in the PS5.

PS5 News and Rumors

Developers are already thinking about PS5 games and what they will look like. The developers at Three Fields Entertainment who are working on a PS4 game called “Dangerous Golf” are thinking about how the next generation of games will look and play.

New rumors have come to light that Rockstar is working on Grant Theft Auto VI! It won’t be out until around 2020 (when the PS5 comes out), but there are plenty of reasons to suggest that the next flagship title from Rockstar is already in development.

Sophia Smith over at CrossMap has compiled some information about the PS5 from around the web, showing the ever-growing opinion that the next generation console will be cloud-based or a streaming service entirely. If your curious to see what others are saying (spoiler alert: we guessed it first) head on over to

A job posting appeared on the PlayStation job boards looking for a senior programmer to work on a “next generation gaming system.” Part of the job’s description talks about working on an Operating System or OS. Is it possible that this position is for someone who will be building the OS that the PS5 runs on? We’ve got the full job details and the job’s description!

Electronic website TechRadar has posted their very own PS5 article running through the predictions they believe will make up the new console. With topics like PlayStation Now and VR, it seems like we may be in agreement on a few things. Find out what they think the PS5 will be like in the

Keith Stuart from The Guardian reports that Emmett Shear who is the CEO and founder of Twitch spoke at the Guardian Changing Media Summit and claimed that the PS4 and the Xbox One were likely to be the last dedicated game consoles. Is he crazy, or is the PS5’s existence in danger? Check out the

Those who find themselves here are the visionaries, the stargazers, the ones who dare to dream and to free their minds from the shackles of the present. Welcome, fellow beacons of humanity to the most comprehensive and all inclusive PS5 news page in existence. If you need news on specs, games, or the release date of the upcoming system, you come here first. We are always on the forefront of this industry’s shifting sands and we will never steer you wrong. Honesty, accuracy, and damn fine writing are the pillars of our site and our fans are the number one priority.

In a recent interview, Sony’s Worldwide President of Studios Shuhei Yoshida made mention of the circumstances that would warrant the need for a PS5. Does this mean Sony is already considering the next system, and how long until these circumstances are reached? Join me for an in-depth examination of what this quote could mean for PlayStation and more specifically the PS5 in: ““.

November, 2013

Rumors are that Sony already has elements of the PS5 in development under an internal code name.

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